Automotive Sealing
1. Air Conditioning
A car’s air conditioning system is complex, with a multitude of O-Ring's running throughout the pressure lines to and from a belt-driven/electric compressor. Every connection point needs to be sealed in order to ensure optimum performance.
Requirements for sealing air conditioning systems
● Operate under relatively high pressure
● Fit into small installation spaces
● Minimize wear to maximize seal life
● Fulfills environmental legislation for zero leakage requirements
Sealing Solution
Custom-designed engineered molded components can incorporate multiple parts into a single product, allowing placement into the limited space available in air conditioning systems. Materials engineered to prevent stick-slip, extend seal and system life where air conditioning use is limited.
Yimai Products
O-Ring, special PTFE rotary seals

2. Battery
The battery provides the power to a number of critical systems in the car and without it, the vehicle is inoperable. Start-stop options as well as hybrid powertrains to minimize emissions, have challenging impacts on new battery technologies. Drivers expect to start their car whatever the weather, first time, every time. For that kind of operational dependability, reliable sealing and battery venting is needed.
● Requirements for sealing batteries
● Outstanding reliability
● Extended seal life
● Operation in temperature extremes
● Sealing Solution

3. Brakes
Probably the most safety critical of all automotive applications , it is vital that when needed the brakes will activate instantaneously.
● Requirements for sealing brakes
● Consistent quality over high volumes
● Media resistant to brake fluids

4. Drivetrain & Transmission
Running at extreme temperatures and high pressures, secure and reliable sealing is required throughout the fuelling system – in the fuel injectors, the common rail system, the fuel lines and fuel tank.
Requirements for sealing the fuel system
● Operate in a wide temperature range,
● Operate in a wide temperature range, very low to very high
● High pressure performance
Optimized performance for efficient engine operation
Sealing Solution
A wide range of seals are available for the different sealing environments within the fuel system. They are composed of specialized materials that have been engineered to withstand gasoline, diesel and bio-fuels, as well as temperature and pressure extremes.
Special low temperature material
Yimai Sealing Solutions has developed a fluoroelastomer sealing compound for fuel injection applications that performs at extremely low temperatures.

5. Fuel Systems
The drivetrain and transmission of a vehicle adapts the output of an engine to the drive wheels. Engines operate at relatively high rotational speeds and the transmission reduces that speed to the slower wheel speed, increasing torque in the process.
Requirements for Sealing of Transmission
● Advanced rotary sealing solutions
● Low friction to optimize the transmissions operation
● Outstanding wear resistance to extend transmission life
● Resistance to the lubricants within the transmission
Sealing Solution
Complex sealing configurations combine a number of advanced seals that seal in lubricants, prevent ingress of external media and provide maximum performance in rotary applications due to unrivaled low friction.

6. Safety Systems
Today's cars include a wide range of safety solutions to protect drivers and passengers from various types of collisions. This includes airbags installed to surround the front and rear seats.
Requirements for sealing airbags
● Absolute quality throughout production over very high volumes
● Small seals with tiny flashfree holes

Post time: Jun-07-2022